Levitation Project

This is the project I developed during my internship at the Interact Lab. Acoustic Levitation is one of the major field they are working on. The functioning of acoustic levitation is detailed in my report.

First I had to get familiar with the device, a board from Ultrahaptics and a motion tracker from Leap Motion. For this project I had to re-create a simple click on a button, but on a virtual button in mid-air. After that I created a Qt GUI to do some measurement about how reacts human to this mid-air button compared to a classic one. I also worked on a case that includes all devices, with fans because the board was warming to much. This project was really rewarding because I also presented my work to the whole lab during an oral exercise.

After my internship, I worked as a developer at the lab, and we used another device, with two boards head to head, to have a complete control of levitating beads. We had so much control so I created movements, and different animations. My work was to create and explore different animations. We had rotating cubes, or other shapes, but I also created a small game with a spaceship that you could move with keyboard arrows. In August, I participated to workshop about Art and Levitation. A video has been made about it.

Released June 15, 2018

Collaboration Interact Lab

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