
Mobile ergonomy improvements

January 9, 2020

The website had a lot of bugs on mobile. I spent a few days fixing them. The navbar is now functional, as well as the project cards used on the index and projects pages. Now you can tap to read information and tap again to access. This replaces the mouse hovering for mobile and tablet. I used the mobile-detect.js API to find whether the page is loaded on a mobile/tablet or not. I also fixed a few overlapping and size issues.

Github API usage

November 24, 2019

All the project items are now loading repository information from Github API. I had to add some information for private projects, but otherwise, the pages information about the repos will automatically evolve on the website. I added the languages display, the version display and the last update.

I also removed hosted libraries, that are now called from online libraries. In the meantime, a few bugs are now fixed.

Footer, navigation and bugs

September 18, 2019

I enhanced the footer, and deleted the contact page, by adding information in the footer. I took advantage of the situation to separate navigation bar and footer from pages. So know I load those in all my pages. This has needed some Javascript skills, to manage loading but also all redirections.

Then I fixed a few bugs that some friends reported to me. Thanks again !

Website deployment

September 5, 2019

I worked on this website during the holidays, now I deployed it, even if there is a lot of bugs and things I want to improve ! For me it is a kind of challenge, to encourage myself to work harder. So send me a message if you detect a bug, a typo or something I could just improve. I will post on this blog after every major change on the website to describe the new features. Check the website project page to get more details about it !